More about me

My Background

Name: Robert Emmet Miggins

Born: Houston, TX 1972 as tenth of 12 children to Larry and Kathleen Miggins (Yes, one mom, one dad; Catholic; 8 boys, 4 girls; 21 year span; and Yes, for Christmas, we pick names)

Education: BA Economics, Washington and Lee Univ, 1994; MBA University of Texas McCombs School of Business, 1999

Family: Married, wife: Julie is a pediatrician and we have four children, Lily, Carlo, Patrick and James.

Work: Senior Vice President – Business Development, Peer1. Prior to that I was VP of ServerBeach for 4 years. Previous stints at Rackspace, Dell and JPMorgan Chase

Interests: Renewable energy, ServerBeach, Vancouver, Phi Slamma Jamma, live music, Ireland, Mexican beer, sharp wit.

Contact: RmigginsATgmailDOTcom

Twitter: @rmiggins


  1. BTW, Julie and Robert are both Gemini!
    This explains a lot. šŸ™‚

  2. I just subscribed so I will hear it first.

  3. Patrick is a Gemini too (6/16/07). Can you give me a read on his future? šŸ˜‰

  4. Hey my name is Jill and I’m a researcher and this article really helped me. I’m motivated! Thank you!

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